‘Innovation System Perspective in Agriculture and Rural Development for Smallholder Farmers’.
There is growing realization that smallholder farmers in sub-Sahara Africa are not benefiting from the full potential of their farming because they do not add value to their produce. Part of the reason is that current professional training, research as well as extension focus largely on production agriculture. In their declaration, delegates to the conference on ‘Innovations in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services’, held in Nairobi in November 2011, called for more “…platforms at different levels for extension professionals and researchers and farmers to meet, exchange and improve their capacity to mobilize smallholders’ knowledge, labour, land, water and genetic resources for global food security” (see http://extensionconference2011.cta.int).
The eleventh regional conference of the Southern and Eastern African Association of Farming Systems Research-Extension (SEAAFSRE) will be held on 19-21 November 2012 in South Africa. The conference, whose theme is ‘Innovation System Perspective in Agriculture and Rural Development for smallholder farmers’ is intended to share experiences and best practices in moving agriculture from subsistence to commercial among resource-constrained farmers in the region. In particular, the conference will share practical experiences on the role innovation, agricultural training, research and extension can play in enhancing a value chain orientation in smallholder agriculture.
All individuals and organizations involved in FSRE work including farmers, policy makers, planners, trainers, researchers, advisory services providers, non-government organizations (NGOs), elected officials and donors, are invited.
To share experiences on best farming systems research and extension practices and strategies for commercializing agriculture and reducing hunger and poverty.
To provide an opportunity for farmers, trainers, researchers, agricultural advisory and support service providers and elected officials to debate and learn together how they might individually and collectively make progress towards millennium targets in poverty, hunger and environment through innovations in smallholder farming systems.
A profile of innovative farming systems research and extension opportunities for commercializing agriculture and reducing hunger, poverty and environmental degradation.
Peer reviewed proceedings of the conference detailing the achievements, lessons learnt and opportunities in the region.
Papers are invited on research and other experiences on the above theme. Those working, or have worked, on these issues are particularly encouraged to submit their papers. While conceptual papers will be considered, preference will be given to papers based on practical experiences. Papers will be considered under the following sub-themes:
Innovation systems in smallholder farming
Farmer level value chain orientation
Value chain oriented policies
Capacity building
The deadline for submitting full papers is 27th July 2012. Please send your papers to:
Dr Maxwell Mudhara
e-mail: maxwell.mudhara@gmail.com
Dr Jeff Mutimba
e-mail: jeffmutimba@gmail.com
The following is a suggested structure for full papers:
Authors name(s), affiliation(s), and addresses(s)
Keywords (up to five)
Materials and Methods/methodology
Results and Discussions
General. The main section headings should be bolded, capitalized and left justified. The section headings (or subheadings) should also be bolded, left justified but with only the first letter capitalized. Further subdivision(s) of the text is generally not recommended. However, if a third level subdivision is used, this should be bolded, first letter capitalized, and on the same line of the paragraph.
Use simple style and avoid using large bodies of primary data. Papers should be written on A4 paper (216× 279 mm or 8 1/2 × 11’’), single spaced, leaving a margin of 2.54 cm (1’’) on all four sides of the paper, and limited to a maximum of 10 pages. Use Times New Roman, Font # 12 throughout the document.
Scientific names of genera, species and varieties should be in italics.
Title. The title should be brief, concise, informative and accurately describe the contents of the paper, and be of value for indexing. The title should not exceed 15 words.
Author(s) Address(es) . The names of author(s) should be given without title(s) and/or academic qualifications. Authors should provide full mailing address(es), name of institution(s) or organization(s) where the work was conducted, and should indicate the name and address of the corresponding author.
Abstract. An abstract not exceeding 250 words in length should be informative, self-explanatory and not contain references. The abstract should clearly state the rationale and objective of the study, tell why and how the study was done, what the results were, why they are important, and what new facts or information has been obtained from the investigations.
Keywords. Keywords should capture keywords of the paper. These should be carefully selected for ease of identification of the paper and indexing and abstraction. The maximum number of keywords is five (5).
References. Articles or books published or ‘in press’ may be quoted, cited or referred to in the paper. Arrange your references in alphabetical order. For journal articles, the reference(s) should have the following sequence: author(s) name(s) followed by author(s) initial(s); year; title of paper; name of journal, volume number; and page number(s). Only the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized. Chapters in books include: author(s) name(s), year, chapter, title, pages, editor(s), book title, publisher and city. Conference or symposium proceedings should include: editor(s), date and place of symposium, publisher and page numbers.
Titles of journals must be given in full, and not abbreviated. Reference to personal communication, and documents not available to general scientific public, should as much as possible be avoided. However, if these are cited in the text, they should not be included in the ‘Reference’ section. In the text, give name(s), date, and institution or organization that provided the information.
Figures and Tables. Figures should be drawn in black ink on white paper and of a size that allows for reduction in size of up to 50%. Figures produced on computer using standard graphic packages, such as Havard Graphics, Excel of Freelance, are equally acceptable. Photographs, if they need to be included, should be supplied in black on white paper. Colour photographs may be supplied but owing to high production costs, these may be produced in black and white.
Figures and tables should be self-explanatory and selected to illustrate significant points made in the text. The word table should have the ‘T’ capitalized and placed at the top left hand corner. Also the word figure should have the ‘F’ capitalized and placed at the bottom left hand corner. Captions should be short and brief, but adequately describe the contents of the figure or table. Tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The word Table should always be spelt out in full, but the word Figure, which should be spelt out in full in the caption, may be abbreviated to Fig in the text.
Units of measurement. SI units (i.e., metric units) should be used throughout the text. In the event that non-metric units are used, or are preferred, metric equivalents should be given at least once when they are first used in the paper.
Abbreviations. Abbreviations may be used in the text in the interest of brevity and conciseness. Abbreviations may be used for long chemical symbols, or cumbersome terms in the text, for example, N, P, DNA, ATP, or UNDP; provided these are explained and spelt out in full when first mentioned or used in the text. Avoid the use of non-standardized abbreviations. The taxonomical abbreviations include: sp = species (singular); spp = species (plural); ssp = subspecies, syn = synonym; var = variety. Likewise, p = page and pp = pages. The standard units of measurements should be spelt out in full, except when preceded by a numeral, when they should be abbreviated in the standardized form, such as: g, µg, mg, kg, km, s, etc., and not followed by a full stop. Use numerals before standard units of measurements, for example, 6 g; 9kg/ha, 9 kg ha-1, or 5 s; otherwise, use words for numbers one to nine and numerals for numbers from ten upwards. Dates in text should be cited as: 29 February 2012 or February 29, 2012. Fractions should be expressed as decimals, however, percentages and simple fractions may also be used.
Illustrations. Drawings and figures should be made in black ink on good quality white A4 paper, or tracing film. Please note that photocopies are not suitable for reproduction. Authors should minimize the number of text figures as much as possible.
Length of Papers. A maximum of 10 single spaced pages.
Those wishing to present posters are invited to submit the titles (including names of authors) of the posters to the organizers.
Registration fees
(before September 30, 2012) ZAR1600.00 (US$ 225.00)
Please send your payment to the following account:
Brach name: HATFIELD
Code: 160245
Account Name: AFSRE
Number: 1618045202
Beneficiary reference
"name delegate
NB! Please make sure the name of the
delegate for which the bank payment is made appears on the
beneficiary reference. SEAAFSRE will not be held responsible for
wrong information provided and will not be able to confirm your/ the
delegate's registration if this reference is incorrect.
The registration fees will cover lunch and refreshments during the conference and a conference bag.
The membership fee is US$10.00 per person per annum and can be paid at the conference.
Conference venue
The conference will be held at: St George Hotel and Conference Centre
58 Doornkloof,
Hoop Avenue, M57
Address: PO
Box 27710
Pretoria 0132
Republic of South Africa
+27 11 316 1254; +27 11 316 1254
+27 11 316 5541/2
Participants are requested to make their own reservations directly with the hotel or any other. Negotiated rates at the hotel are ZAR620 per person (Single) and ZAR450 per person (Sharing)
Participants will be responsible for settling their bills for accommodation, meals and all incidental expenses such as telephone calls and laundry.
Visa requirements and health requirements
Participants from outside South Africa are advised to confirm visa and vaccination requirements in advance of travel.
November is summer time in Gauteng Province of South Africa. Summer offers comfortable warm sunshine days followed by pleasant nights. Temperatures range from maxima between 23-24oC and lows of 13-14 oC.
For further information concerning the conference, please contact: Maxwell Mudhara (maxwell.mudhara@gmail.com)
The issues to be discussed in this symposium are at the center of all agricultural development work. Given their importance, therefore, we request your assistance in disseminating this announcement as widely as possible through your networks.
19-21 November, 2012
Deadline for registration: 30th September 2012
(Please attach proof of payment of registration fees)
First names …………………………………………………………………………………
Surname ……………………………………………………………………………………
Organization ……………………………………………………………………………….
Position held ……………………………………………………………………………….
Nationality …………………………………………………………………………………
Postal address ………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone number (including country/area codes) ………………………………………...
E-mail ………………………………………………………………………………………